Thank You From the Band
Jun 22, 2012

Dear fantastic incredible believers - congratulations to you for being
part of the spectacular splash that Rappalachia has made in its first
couple weeks - you are powering our attack on the music world.
Rappalchia has been in the top 50 charts of mp3 sales for
country *and* hip-hop, we are taking boxloads of packages to the post
office to send out all the physical orders, and iTunes has put the
album on the "new and noteworthy" list, bringing the Gangstagrass
sound to thousands of new ears!

We love having all this exposure and seeing our music reach more and
more people, and you get the credit for that. I have had the chance to
meet fans face to face during our touring last month, and I hear so
many stories about how a fan has turned all their friends on to
Gangstagrass, or played Gangstagrass for their entire office at work,
or shared Gangstagrass tracks with their whole family. That rules.
Fans like you who are sharing this music with everyone you know are
the reason Gangstagrass is growing and getting more powerful in our
mission to bring bluegrass-hip-hop to the world. YOU are our marketing
department. This is an independent operation - we really do take all
your packages to the post office, and we really do it all ourselves.
And you really do make all the difference when you support us by
buying the music and merchandise and telling others about it.

So keep it up, we are honored and excited to have you supporting us
and we plan to keep fresh music coming your way!


Article originally appeared on gangstagrass (
See website for complete article licensing information.